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easter weekend at stone

Join us for the Easter weekend this year here at Stone! 

Good Friday Service times Slide_edited.j

mercy unveiled
good friday at stone

Make plans to join us for a special United Service on Good Friday, March 29 @ 6:30pm at the Yakima Campus. This will be a meaningful evening filled with worship, communion, and time in the Word reflecting on the events that took place leading up to Jesus' death on the cross. You won't want to miss this service.


(Childcare is available in Kids World for children in 1st grade and under.)


easter at stone

Make plans to join us on Easter! Sunday, March 31, in order to help make sure everyone has a seat on Easter Sunday, we will be having three services at each campus. The service times will be 8:30am, 9:45am & 11am.



There will also be special Easter activities happening for all the kids in Kids World!

campus locations



3303 Englewood Ave, 

Yakima, WA 98902





EASTER (3/31)

8:30AM | 9:45AM | 11AM



497 N Wenas Rd,

Selah, WA 98942


EASTER (3/31)

8:30AM | 9:45AM | 11AM



913 Vintage Valley Pkwy,

Zillah, WA 98953


EASTER (3/31)

8:30AM | 9:45AM | 11AM

Stone Church Logo 1 White.png

Stone Church,  3303 Englewood Ave Yakima, WA 98902  |  |  Tel: (509) 575-3720

 Opening Hours: Mon - Thurs: 10am-3pm & ​Sunday: 9am-1pm

©2023 by STONE CHURCH.

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